The information that you will get to know on the website is for the knowledge of the user in good terms. There are no guarantees from our side related to the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of this information. Everything that you are seeing on our website is on our own risk to belief or not. If you have faced any issues or damages while using our website, we are not liable for it.
Usually, we don’t have any external links on our website. For your knowledge, External links are basically the road map of getting into other websites that are not our property. If we do have any external link, it’s for your benefits or the need of the page. We are not encouraging you to must visit those external links as if any cause or damage happens to you due to those links, we are not liable for it.
On our website, you would see different information’s. Right now, it’s included for the benefits of our site or the user. However, we do have the rights to change the information without giving the notice to anyone. So, the next time you have seen any changes on our website, you are not questionable to us. Meanwhile, we also have the rights to turn-off our website for whatever reason.
If we talk about the advertisement policies, so we do run ads on our website that is from Google advertisement. Well, as you all know that we are not charging from the users to use our tool. So, we do need to manage the website through a consistent income source, which we cover from the Google advertisement. Also, the google advertisement shows you the relevant advertisement that you search about on google by acquiring your cookies data. Although we are not getting the personal data of any user, it’s the Google advertisement. Also, Google is a reliable platform and they don’t misuse the data for any reasons. So, you have to stay positive from that. However, if you have any doubts related to google advertisement, you can stop using our services as we are not liable for anything that happens due to it.
If you want to use our website, you have to agree on the Disclaimer we have mentioned above. Otherwise, you may leave our website because we are not liable for anything that happens to you.